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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Indian tea production, marketing and export: An empirical investigation

Indian tea production, marketing and export: An empirical investigation

Biswajyoti Sarmah

Abstract :

By building on a proud legacy of enterprise that spanned nearly two and a half centuries, India has acquired an exalted status on the global tea map. The country is the second largest tea producer in the world with production of 1208.78 million kg in 2013-14. Interestingly, India is also the world’s largest consumer of tea with the domestic market consuming 890 million kg of tea during 2012-13. This paper tries to study the overall scenario of Indian tea industry. Export of tea being a major contribution to the Economy require adequate assessment in present context. Being the second largest producer of tea, export earnings are not yet satisfactory. This paper tries to observe the trend of export in relation to the production and domestic consumption. And also proper marketing channel is required for its disposal. Auction being the most important of the three available mode of marketing is discussed in this paper.

Keywords : 

Tea, Auction, Marketing, Export, Consumer, Economy.


Download PDF   Journal DOI : 10.15373/22778160

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