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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Sensibility towards Sustainability through Zen Buddhism

Sensibility towards Sustainability through Zen Buddhism
R. Prasanna Laxmi

Abstract :

Living within our environmental limits is one of the central principles of Sustainable development. Application of Sensibility towards Sustainable development through Zen Buddhist meditation is an important domain to establish harmony in economic, social and environmental level. The Zen meditation is the best medium for evolution of human consciousness for yielding beneficial results in sustainable development. Sustainable development starts with the personal development of an individual. The principles and practices of Zen Buddhism is the absolute pathway to inculcate right perception and intuition in an individual to behave sensibly towards environment. Zen meditation enables one to be aware of his activities related with environment. Zen practices give him insights about the purpose of creation in the universe and his role for nurturing this environment for better future.

Keywords :

Sensibility, Sustainability, Zen Meditation, Self-awareness.


Download PDF   Journal DOI : 10.15373/22778160

Proficient 15-Bit Flash ADC Design Using Wallace Tree Adder

Proficient 15-Bit Flash ADC Design Using Wallace Tree Adder

G. M. Anitha Priyadarshini, Dr. Gae Sathish Kumar

Abstract : 

The signals in this present reality are analog in nature for instance light, solid, video and so on. In request to accomplish digital signal, we have to change over the analog signal into digital form by utilizing a circuit called analog-to-digital converter. The interest for the converter is situated on area, speed, power of the converters. In request to accomplish these optimization's we are designing a comparator, a Wallace tree adder and an inverse Gaussian function. Here, speed can be improved by developing an analog comparator from two cross-coupled 3-input digital NAND gates. To reduce power utilization we are using Wallace tree adder, which is normally used for high speed and efficient one's addition. Here, the fundamental reason for inverse Gaussian function is to take out the noise present in the output furthermore to reconstruct the digitalized signal into its original form. So as to outline a flash ADC, all blocks including the comparators, the ones adder, and the piece wise inverse Gaussian function are designed in Verilog HDL. To implement this architecture on FPGA we are using Vivado 2014.2.

Keywords : 

Comparator, Wallace Tree Adder, Inverse Gaussian Function, Wallace Tree Adder, Cross-coupled NAND Gates, Inverse Gaussian Function.


Download PDF   Journal DOI : 10.15373/22778160

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Indian tea production, marketing and export: An empirical investigation

Indian tea production, marketing and export: An empirical investigation

Biswajyoti Sarmah

Abstract :

By building on a proud legacy of enterprise that spanned nearly two and a half centuries, India has acquired an exalted status on the global tea map. The country is the second largest tea producer in the world with production of 1208.78 million kg in 2013-14. Interestingly, India is also the world’s largest consumer of tea with the domestic market consuming 890 million kg of tea during 2012-13. This paper tries to study the overall scenario of Indian tea industry. Export of tea being a major contribution to the Economy require adequate assessment in present context. Being the second largest producer of tea, export earnings are not yet satisfactory. This paper tries to observe the trend of export in relation to the production and domestic consumption. And also proper marketing channel is required for its disposal. Auction being the most important of the three available mode of marketing is discussed in this paper.

Keywords : 

Tea, Auction, Marketing, Export, Consumer, Economy.


Download PDF   Journal DOI : 10.15373/22778160